Learning games, behaviour training games, awareness games

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Annual review meeting



This serious game is designed to train managers and team managers to the art of conducting properly an annual review meeting.  This appointment is essential to achieve with the staff a balance of the past year and take stock of the future prospects.

The player becomes aware of the annual meeting review's challenges, he learns how to master the best practices and to conduct this type of interview.  He will be able to improve communication with his employees and enhance their motivation towards tasks and issues of the company.


Training goals of the annual meeting review:

Annual meeting review is essential to learn more about employees, review their working methods, take stock of the past year and set up future goals and career prospects.  After training, the learner will be able to apply the methods and structure of a successful interview, to communicate clearly his expectations, to motivate his team for upcoming missions and to draw up future prospects. Having acquired the practice of active listening, he will be capable of showing his willingness to subordinates and adapt his management style to them.



The player will play the part of a department manager, responsible for a team of eight people, in a multinational company. He will have to conduct an annual meeting review with a young employee recently arrived in the department.  His work is satisfactory but inconsistent over the past year, particularly for customer satisfaction and timeliness.



The player will address the various phases of the annual meeting review : general assessment of the year,  setting of new goals, defining new working methods, improving relationship with colleagues and future prospects. The learner will have to choose the best answers in order to structure the interview in a positive way.  After training, he will be prepared to receive a collaborator, to conduct effectively the interview, to identify problems and give the best practices.  He will be able to skillfully motivate his team for future goal while expressing clear expectations.


Duration of the serious game: 30 minutes approximately.


Specifications of the game:

The serious game is accessible online and is played in a single player mode, ideally under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Training sessions for trainers can be arranged for companies wishing to conduct their own training programs.



Serious game proposed in partnership with ITycom

Copyright 2014