Learning games, behaviour training games, awareness games

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Corrective feedback interview



The serious game is designed to train team managers and managing directors to skillfully lead a corrective feedback interview through individual interviews.

The player gets familiar with the challenges of a corrective feedback interview, he learns to improve his interpersonal skills towards employees and to strengthen their motivation


Training goals of a corrective feedback interview:

A corrective feedback interview is essential to pass to collaborators important information about work and it's improvement. After training, the learner will be able to identify situations requiring a corrective feedback interview, determine the right time to intervene and set up the structure of a good interview. He will be able to communicate effectively to make his collaborator aware of work's difficulties and think about the consequences of an inappropriate behavior. He will have the ability of redirecting the conversation to keep it under control, building new structures of work while remaining diplomatic towards his collaborator. 



The learner plays the part of a manager who needs to interview a collaborator doing a great job but neglecting the teamwork. The player will also have to ask his subordinate to integrate a young and promising recruit to a major project.



During the interview, the player will deal with his collaborator the crucial issue of integrating a new member to the team. He will have to choose the best answers in order to get the employee's  full support for the new team functioning.


Duration of the serious game: 30 minutes approximately.


Specifications of the game:

The serious game is accessible online ans is played in a single player mode, ideally under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Training sessions for trainers can be arranged for companies wishing to conduct their own training programs.



Serious game proposed in partnership with ITycom

Copyright 2014