Learning games, behaviour training games, awareness games

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Powerful questioning



This serious game is designed to train managers and future managers to the art of powerful questioning through individual interviews.


Scenario :

The learner plays the part of an expert  in a coaching situation, who has to interview a junior collaborator to help him implement a new project  intended to improve the well-being at work.


Training goals : the importance of a powerful questioning

The knowledge of good questioning is a very effective skill whether in situations of management, sales or professional coaching.  Asking the right questions obviously depends on a detailed understanding of the context and therefore a good listening to his interlocutor. For a manager, it is essential to maximise the overall quality of the questions to get rich and constructive answers.


Gameplay :

The player chooses the topics he wishes to discuss with his or her colleague during the interview. Within each theme, he will ask the best questions in order to obtain the most relevant information.


Duration of the serious game : 30minutes approximately.


Specifications of the serious game :

The serious game can be played online in a single player mode, ideally under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Training sessions for trainers can be arranged for companies wishing to conduct their own training programs.



Serious game proposed in partnership with ITycom

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