Learning games, behaviour training games, awareness games

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Discovering entrepreneurship (Digitalis)






DIGITALIS is a collaborative projet, funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ programme. It has started in October 2020 and last until end of 2022.

The objective of DIGITALIS was to create an educational game to promote digital skills and discovering entrepreneurship for 8 to 12 year old students and their teachers.

Through this tool, the objective was also to develop among the pupils creativity, innovation, team work, collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking and an entrepreneurial mindset.


You can see some insights of the project on its Facebook page or on Instagram.



To achieve these goals, several tools have been created:

. a pedagogical guide dedicated to teachers including the project methodology, the main guidelines and the pedagogical resources

. an educational video game ("serious game") accessible on a computer on https://digitalisgame.com

. an impact analysis to study the efficiency of the methodology and of the educational video game

. a manual of the best pratices that summarizes the experience gathered during the project.









Five European partners are involved in the DIGITALIS project:

The University of Thessaly (coordinator of the project, Greece)

Solutions Kalys (training organization, Cyprus)

Interactive 4D (serious games editor, France)

Consultores FyG (consultants, Spain)

Inspectoratul Şcolar Judeţean Arad (School Inspection of the Arad county, Roumania)