Learning games, behaviour training games, awareness games

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Human resources

These simulations are designed to educate managers and future managers to the relational aspects of human resources.

The players choose the themes and directions of discussion with a virtual subordinate and should lead these discussions in the most skilful and effective ways.

The results of the simulations are accompagnied by charts and recommendations.

Training sessions for trainers can be arranged for companies wishing to conduct their own training program.The simulations are accessible online, in a single player mode, and can be performed under the supervision of a certified trainer which will discuss the results and guide learners. These serious games are designed and developped by our partner ITycom.

Recruitment tools

Recruitment tools

Training goals : The recruitment tools are commonly used by recruiters. They are good indicators of candidate's abilities to handle professional situations. The realistic simulations, taken from a professional context, enable to better assess a candidate's behavior in a professional environment. 

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Powerful questioning

Powerful questioning

Training goals : the importance of a powerful questioning The knowledge of good questioning is a very effective skill whether in situations of management, sales or professional coaching. Asking the right questions obviously depends on a detailed understanding of the context and therefore a good listening to his interlocutor. For a manager, it is essential to maximise the overall quality of the questions to get rich and constructive answers.

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Delegation interview

Training goals : A delegation interview is essential to identify and distribute effectively tasks to delegate among collaborators. After training, the learner will be able to set up the structure of a good delegation interview while applying the rules of a successful delegation. He will be able to communicate clearly his expectations, to transmit information about task delegation and motivate successfully its employees for their new missions.

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Annual review meeting

Annual review meeting

Training goals : Annual meeting review is essential to learn more about employees, review their working methods, take stock of the past year and set up future goals and career prospects. After training, the learner will be able to apply the methods and structure of a successful interview, to communicate clearly his expectations, to motivate his team for upcoming missions and to draw up future prospects.

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Corrective feedback interview

Corrective feedback interview

Training goals : A corrective feedback interview is essential to pass to collaborators important information about work and it's improvement. After training, the learner will be able to identify situations requiring a corrective feedback interview, determine the right time to intervene and set up the structure of a good interview. He will be able to communicate effectively to make his collaborator aware of work's difficulties and think about the consequences of an inappropriate behavior. He will have the ability of redirecting the conversation to keep it under control, building new structures of work while remaining diplomatic towards his collaborator.

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